About Moore


In an effort to more efficiently serve our Texas customers and their projects, Coastal Environments, Inc. acquired Moore Archeological Consulting in October, 2014. Moore Archaeological Consulting, Inc. (MAC) is a cultural resource management firm that has conducted over 700 major archaeological projects, as well as many smaller desk-based investigations. These projects have supported our clients in the market sectors of land development, communication, urban development, construction, infrastructure, and transportation. As Houston's first archeology firm, MAC has a well-established working relationship with organizations such as the Galveston District, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Texas Historical Commission. ​


As a certified SBE by both METRO and the Port of Houston, MAC possesses special expertise in completing archaeological

investigations in urban contexts by combining extensive experience in archeology with a business-like approach to the problems and objectives of CRM consulting. ​

MAC Specializes In​​

  • Archaeological Background and Assessment Studies
  • Archaeological Surveys, Testing, and Data Recovery
  • Geoarchaeological Assessments and Analysis
  • Archival and Historical Research
  • Historic Cemetery Relocation, Documentation, and Delineation
  • Historic Architectural and Structure Surveys
  • Architectural Analysis/Condition Assessments
  • Full-Service Remote Sensing
  • Metal Detecting
  • GIS Mapping
  • Battlefield and Urban Archeology
  • Prehistoric Archeology 
  • Lab Analysis (Lithics, Ceramics, Osteoarcheology)
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